20 Inches High x 24 Inches Wide x 15 Inches Deep
This bust is from a greater than life-sized bronze statue measuring 6 feet 10 inches (82 inches) in height, famously known as the Artemision Bronze. It was discovered in a shipwreck off Cape Artemision in north Euboea in Greece in 1926. The excavation was completed in 1928. There has been some debate as to whether the sculpture depicts Zeus or Poseidon, both Greek gods. The figure would have grasped in his right hand either a thunderbolt or a trident, his arm poised to throw the object.
Artist: Unknown
Museum: National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece
Time Period: Ancient Greek - Early Classical, c. 470-450 B.C.E.
"Artemision Bronze." Joy of Museums, 2018, .
"Classical Period: X 15161." National Archaeological Museum of Athens, 2008-2014, .
Harris, Beth, and Steven Zucker. "Artemision Zeus or Poseidon (video)." Khan Academy, .